Stop the central London bus cuts!


- Jul 29
A Road to Nowhere?
Cracking the case against ULEZ A new report released today, Road to Nowhere: The case against expanding the ULEZ and London-wide road...

- Jul 14
MASSIVE cost revealed! Khan confirms £200m cost of London-wide ULEZ expansion.
Sadiq Khan plans to spend £200m of Londoners' money on a huge network of cameras and signs. [1] If the Mayor's plans go ahead, the...

- Jun 8
Sadiq Khan’s Transport Meltdown
As I write to you, the impact of Sadiq Khan’s mismanagement of our city’s transport network is being felt most painfully. We have the...

- Mar 24
A Plan for Transporting South West London, Outer Neighbourhoods of London need specific strategies
A new report published today calls for a specific plan for South West London and further studies into the rest of Outer London. The...

- Dec 6, 2021
Letter: Sadiq Khan must drop boundary charge plan
Senior Conservative politicians have today called on Sadiq Khan to drop his boundary charge threat, warning it would "erect a barrier...