Economy Reports
February 2021 | Shaun Bailey AM
The Covid-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented time for Londoners and life as we once knew it. Using brand new data, this report will investigate how the Mayor can better take a lead in supporting London’s economic recovery, examine the impact of his policies on London’s economy and businesses and make recommendations for how the Mayor can boost London’s economy going forward.
Jumpstart: Supporting London's Economic Recovery
January 2019 | Keith Prince AM
This report sets out the problems facing London’s high streets including squeezed incomes, growth of online shopping, parking, and the cost of business rates. This document contains proposals on how the Mayor can work in partnership with local authorities and business organisations to help London’s high streets and deliver on his priority to be open for business.
Helping Our High Streets
October 2018 | Gareth Bacon AM
Disabled people are twice as likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people. One in five employers say they would be less likely to employ a disabled person. By the age of 26, disabled people are four times more likely to be out of work or not in education compared to non-disabled people. These are neither figures to be proud of nor complacent about, and we need to take bold action to not only address the problem, but to also change engrained working cultures that have resulted in the gap barely moving an inch in the last decade.