Housing Reports
March 2021 | Tony Devenish AM
This report sets out a number of important recommendations to tackle London’s overcrowding problem. This includes restoring targets for family-sized affordable homes that the current Mayor has removed, making use of surplus housing funds, better data and monitoring, and allocating more of the Mayor’s surplus public land towards family-sized homes.
Crowded Out: London's Overcrowded Home
October 2019 | Susan Hall AM
London’s social housing is a precious resource which deserves to be treated with respect. Unfortunately, a small minority of problem, or ‘rogue’ tenants cause unfairness for the vast majority of tenants who are rule-abiding, by causing costly damage and vandalism to properties, costing an estimated £3.4 million over the past five years across London, and damage to individual properties of up to £25,000.
Rogue Tenants: Restoring Fairness In London's Social Housing
November 2018 | Andrew Boff AM
Protecting, enhancing and strengthening London’s suburbs is not just important in itself – it is crucial to meeting London’s chronic housing need, and to meet or exceed London’s housing target of 64,935 homes per year. This report therefore makes the following recommendations to ensure that London’s suburbs can be properly supported and defended, but also fulfil their housing and development potential to London.
SOS: Save Our Suburbs
March 2018 | Shaun Bailey AM
Finding a home to rent in London can be extremely tough, and this can especially be the case for those who are unable to raise a deposit or demonstrate the right credentials to their landlord. With rough sleeping on the rise, and ‘hidden homelessness’ a significant issue, we need to make sure that everything possible is done to help remove barriers to new accommodation.
Help To Rent: Improving Access To Homes In London's Private Rental Market
December 2017 | Susan Hall AM
‘Beds in sheds’ – unauthorised dwellings in back gardens and garages of existing residential properties – is a problem that blights many areas of London, at considerable cost to local councils and communities. Evidence in this report suggests that there are at least 9,000 unauthorised beds in sheds across the London, with councils potentially missing out on £9 million in unpaid council tax. This report will look at the wide variety of approaches and experiences in detection and enforcement of beds in sheds across London, and how best practice can be shared.