Health & Inequality Reports
March 2021 | Susan Hall AM
This report will highlight some of the issues disabled Londoners have faced during this mayoralty and examine the Mayor’s record in supporting and including disabled Londoners. From this, we will recommend some simple actions the Mayor can take now to help break down barriers for disabled people in London and build a more inclusive city.
Breaking Down Barriers: London More Inclusive For Disabled Londoners
August 2019 | Andrew Boff AM
Autism is a hugely diverse and complex condition that affects thousands of people across London. It is currently estimated that there are around 88,000 autistic people living in London. A much wider group of people will live with, work with or come into contact with autistic people day in, day out, across London. Given that autism affects so many people in London, it should be vital to strive for an autism friendly city. An autism friendly city should be a place that is not only accessible for autistic people but enables them to lead fulfilling and independent lives. This will not only benefit autistic people and their families and carers, but will also benefit wider society, so that London can become a more inclusive and cohesive environment for those on the autism spectrum.
The Full Spectrum: Making London Autism Friendly
April 2019 | Andrew Boff AM
This report demonstrates, the evidence and economic case suggest that tackling childhood obesity requires a comprehensive, multi-agency strategy that focuses on reducing risk factors and their unequal impact from pregnancy through the early years.