City Hall Reports
March 2021 | Susan Hall AM
For five years, Sadiq Khan has pleaded poverty, passed blame and avoided responsibility instead of delivering for London. He’s acted like a commentator on our nation’s politics rather than a politician focused on delivering positive changes for the world’s greatest city. This report to strips away Khan's spin and delves into the figures to reveal the truth about his time in office: Sadiq Khan is the worst Mayor of London we have ever seen.
Cost Of Khan: 5 Years Of Failure
May 2019 | Gareth Bacon AM
When asked to provide his administration’s biggest failing, Sadiq Khan told the London Assembly that he did not have one. Judged on his record, we believe that Londoners would disagree. The Mayor has so far presided over an alarming hike in violent crime, lagging affordable housing targets, and a damaging down-turn in Transport for London’s finances. As it stands, the legacy of Sadiq Khan’s mayoralty will be defined by financial incompetence, a raft of broken promises, and a lack of delivery for Londoners.
Cost Of Khan 3: A Review Of Sadiq Khan's Three Years As London Mayor
February 2019 | Gareth Bacon AM
In drawing up this year’s budget, the Mayor had a variety of spending choices, but we believe that he could have made wiser choices in key areas. Our alternative budget for London chooses more police for our streets and a lower tax bill for Londoners. The Mayor has endlessly claimed that the rise in violent crime is due to a fall in police numbers – we therefore believe that the Mayor should be doing everything in his power to put as many police officers on our streets as possible to tackle crime in our city. We have a plan to do just that and we hope that the Mayor incorporates our amendment into his final budget and chooses more police for London.
An Alternative Budget For London
June 2018 | Andrew Boff AM
This report argues that increased powers require increased accountability and more checks and balances. The democratic deficit created by this broadening gap between the London Mayor and the London Assembly must befilled.