Silence on Violence
Andrew Boff's report focuses on what the police can to do to make sex workers safer within the confines of the law. He has found evidence that sex workers are reporting fewer crimes to police and that raids have gone up in some parts of London. His recommendations include: focusing more resource on non-organised sex trafficking that takes place outside of the sex industry; including sex workers in police strategies which involve them; and prioritising crime against sex workers by labelling it as a hate crime.

The Final Report (pdf)
Executive Summary
Guardian – Met police sex trafficking investigations criticised
Telegraph – Prostitutes 'cleaned off the streets ahead of the Olympics'
BBC London – East London pre-Olympics prostitution arrests 'worrying'
Local Guardian series – Concern over police Olympics crackdown on sex trade
Newham Recorder – Newham sex workers arrested in run-up to Olympic Games
The Sun – Hookers 'cleaned off London's streets' ahead of Olympics
Daily Mail – Prostitutes being 'cleared from the streets' of London ahead of Olympics
LondonNet – Big Rise in East London Prostitute Arrests 'Not Related to Olympics'
The Independent – How the Olympic clean-up put sex workers in danger
Metro – Andrew Boff urges hate crime ruling to protect sex workers
Fox sports
USA Today
Toronto Sun
The Australian
Report Release Video
Video of violence detailed in this report (warning: contains graphic violence)
Blog entry by Andrew Boff
- RT @montrose77: Was never all that keen on the project, but this - from a former Labour minister - reflects very badly on the Mayor. https:…
- RT @AndrewBoff: Slavery: "The more we look, the more we find," every city is a "Shadow City"…
- RT @KeithPrinceAM: .@Tony_Devenish points out @GregHands offered @SadiqKhan the chance to take control of the Notting Hill Carnival. The Ma…