Gypsy Travellers in London


This campaign led by Tony Arbour was designed to repeal policy 3.9 of the 2010 London Plan, which provided accommodation for Gypsy Travellers in London. The Campaign successfully removed this policy from the London Plan.


The Greater London Authority, under the direction of the Mayor is required to produce a spatial development plan that sets the strategic framework for planning and regeneration across the capital. This document is entitled “The London Plan”. Presently the plan is at draft consultation stage.

This report is primarily concerned with policy 3.9 of that report which pertains to providing appropriate accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Show People. The policy has set a borough by borough target for the provision of pitches for caravans.
We contacted all London boroughs to ascertain their ability to meet this new obligation. 11 boroughs responded to the survey, offering a cross sec- tion of opinion across the city, representing a balanced mix in terms of geography, political colour and socio-economic profile.

The results show clear trends. This policy will have a serious impact on local authorities both in terms of finance and in their ability to deliver wider affordable housing targets. The methodology used to reach these targets are questionable in their validity. This report attempts to present the view of local boroughs and to scrutinize the process that devised these targets, with the hope that this policy can be revisited in a serious way.

Tony Arbour AM, January 2010


Gypsy Travellers in London Report


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