Flexible Commuting

Conservative London Assembly Member, Roger Evans, has written two reports looking at how to make flexible working cheaper and easier for Londoners.

His two key proposals are:
1. The introduction of a 3-day per week Travelcard
2. A system of commuter rebates for people who underuse their annual season ticket
   (read more about these proposals here)

These measures will encourage regular cycling and walking, and put cash back into your pocket for making those healthy choices. It would also become easier for people to work remotely for a day or two per week, help make part-time work pay, and help ease the burden on a public transport system that’s coping with high levels of demand.

If you live and work in London please answer the following questions and have your say. Your responses will only be used to develop a more comprehensive flexible commuting policy.

Latest Tweets

  • Commuters respond to @RogerEvansAM flexible ticketing plans. http://t.co/qjWjTdSZjW
  • Londoners have their say on the future of flexible ticketing. @RogerEvansAM via @LondonLive http://t.co/SEu44KaixL
  • RT @MayorWatch: Mr @rogerevansam says any part-time travelcard must let YOU decide which days you travelhttp://t.co/3WdHdvFxwi


Take our survey

Would you like to get cash back on your Travelcard for biking or working from home one or two days a week?

Give us your views by using this link https://glaconservatives.co.uk/flexible-commuting/