Conference 2014


**Updated: Audio and Pictures from the event are now included below**
At this event the audience is the panel. Bring an idea to improve London, and see if it can stand up to the scrutiny of the crowd and win the day.

The event will be done in a balloon debate style, and the best idea will have a chance to become a GLA Conservatives' policy and be expanded into a report.

Check out some of our other reports/campaigns here:

Plus there's food and drink!

When: 17:30-19:00, Tuesday 30th September 2014

Where: The Soprano Room, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Birmingham

The room will fill up fast – Join the Facebook Event to ensure your place in the room – Click here

If you can't join in person: Give us your ideas ahead of the debate either on our Facebook page – – or tweet them at us – @Assembly_Tories – using the hashtag #ideas4London

Event Audio

Download the audio here (right-click "save as")

Event Pictures


Latest Tweets

  • Pick up a copy of todays @standardnews to learn about Tony Arbour proposed Fire fighting App
  • @MartinHoscik @roadcc our report showed it saved Londoners time, reduced emmissions, and is safely used elsewhere
  • Tony Arbour asks @LondonFire to use an App to connect with Londoners, help with responses