Highly Charged – Service Charges




Highly Charged is a report by Steve O'Connell produced through the Assembly’s Planning and Housing Committee on the Leasehold Service Charges in London. Formed through public meetings with stakeholders and the leaseholders themselves the report looks to provide increased transparency, communication, education, and more to Leasehold Service Charges.

"Some people would like to see leasehold done away with altogether, but failing that we must make sure that the system we have is as fair as possible. With disputes on the rise and many more leasehold properties in the pipeline it’s critical that all the agencies involved, from central Government down to the leasehold tribunal, look at ways of improving the transparency and equity of service charges.”

From Steve O'Connell



Highly charged – PDF of Report (courtesy of the Greater London Authority Planning and Housing Committee)
Executive Summary


–Press Release
–Steve O'Connell statement on the Report
–NewsOnTheBlock.com – 'Aiming to give residents a new lease on life'


Steve O'Connell

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